Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
How many times have you felt out of this world? Do you realize that you feel everything very deeply? Do you feel connected to everything and everyone? Are you overwhelmed with changes in your life? Do you enjoy silence and contemplation? Do you have a delight for the arts and nature? Having to complete many tasks in a short period of time distress you? Do you notice subtleties that others can't see?
If your answer was "yes" to these questions, it is very likely that you are part of the 15-20% of the population with this trait.
I am a HSP
Since I was a child, I had a different vision of the world, I asked very deep questions about the meaning of life, about the universe, about the role of humans on earth. I always felt that I never fit in, while other children enjoyed playing outside, I preferred to read or talk with the adults. I grew up feeling that there was something wrong with me because I felt everything very deeply and nobody understood me; I was the "weirdo" of the family who said a lot of crazy and nonsensical things.
For many years I lived in deep sadness because I learned that I had to change to be like others and to be accepted; I felt like life was burying me alive. I thought I had some personality disorder because everything affected me deeply, I felt the pain of others, I abserbed the energy of people besides me, I had a highly developed inner life but none of this fit the world where I was living.
When I discovered that all this has to do with my genetics and that many other people in the world felt the way I did, it is that I decided to start studying more about the characteristics of HSP and understanding the needs that I have had all my life, I decided to put myself at the service of other people who have also felt misunderstood throughout their own path.
Through Coaching sessions we can talk about what worries you; being a Highly Sensitive Person is an advantage when you realize that you can adapt new tools to your life in ordr to achieve fulfillment and be able to appeciate all our virtues.
You do not have to walk this path alone, let me accompany you!