What happens in hypnotherapy?
The conscious mind and body relax, when this happens, we can easily access information stored in the subconscious and this is usually where the answers lie.
Do I lose consciousness when I am in hypnosis?
No, in fact we want the conscious mind to be present, taking note of what you are discovering, but not taking the starring role, allowing your subconscious mind to do the talking.
When I am under hypnosis, can I do things against my will?
No, at no time you are unconscious, so you are in control of the session, at any time you could open your eyes and end the process. Clinical Hypnotherapy has nothing to do with what the "hypnotists" we see on TV do.
Can I stay in the trance?
No, the process is similar to when you are in a deep state of relaxation, there are people who reach this state when they meditate or are very concentrated in some activity. What can happen is that you fall asleep and the therapist has to wake you up.
Can this cause me any emotional or physical harm?
No, on the contrary. The purpose of this type of therapy is to be able to "unlock" some current conflict. You may be able to access memories or experiences from the past that were unpleasant or emotionally intense and this is often necessary to resolve a current conflict. The therapist is with you every step of the way and will make sure that you get the most out of this experience. It is likely that at the end of the session you will feel physically or emotionally tired, which will pass in 2 or 3 days at the most (if at all).
I have a hard time relaxing, what if I can't get into a trance state?
There are many people who find it hard to relax, they are usually very "mental" people for whom letting go of the state of alertness is not very easy. If you consider yourself like this and you expose it to the therapist, he will take care of making a specific relaxation to help you, there are several techniques that will allow you to feel calm and carry out the process.
Do I have memories of what happened after hypnosis?
Yes, as we have mentioned, your conscious mind never leaves, it only stays on one side taking note of what is happening and it is precisely because it is present that you can remember what you have experienced. There are times when the client is in such deep relaxation or in such a real experience that he/she is paying more attention to what is happening at that moment than to what the therapist may be saying, in these situations, he/she may lose some detail. In all sessions the audio is recorded and delivered a few days later to the client, so if you missed any detail, you will always have the opportunity to listen to your session again.
Parts Therapy
How long does a Part Therapy last?
It will depend on the case to be treated, approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.
Can this session be done remotely?
Yes, you only need to meet the following requirements:
A good internet connection
A space where you can lie down, it can be a bed or an armchair. Make sure you have pillows, cushions and a blanket.
It should be a private space where you will not be interrupted in any way.
If you are going to use headphones, they cannot be hands-free since the microphone is too far from the mouth and when the person is in a relaxed state, he/she tends to speak at a very low volume. It is necessary to have hearing aids that have the microphone integrated in the cable.
Do I need to prepare in any way for this session?
No, you will only need to complete a questionnaire so that I can learn more about you, as well as be clear about the objective you want to address. Consider that in one session only one objective can be treated, if you want to treat several things, you would have to schedule different sessions.
What happens after a Parts Therapy?
After the therapy you may begin to notice changes with respect to the conflict you worked on, you may have a different response to stimuli and it is very likely that you start to become aware of new ways of approaching the issue, start to take different actions or see it with different eyes. This is a very effective therapy.
How many sessions should I take to resolve my conflict?
It is not possible to establish a number of sessions since this will depend on the conflict you are working on, it may happen that in one session you manage to resolve it or you may need more.
Could I have any physical reaction after the therapy?
At the end of the session you may feel physically and/or emotionally tired because we do a deep work. This may last a couple of days and then everything will return to normal. The recommendation will always be to be calm after the session and allow your body to level out.
Present and Past Life Regressions
How long does a Present Life and Past Life Regression Therapy last?
Between 2.5 and 3.5 hours.
Can this session be done remotely?
Yes, you only need to meet the following requirements:
A good internet connection
A space where you can lie down, it can be a bed or a couch. Make sure you have pillows, cushions and a blanket.
It should be a private space where you will not be interrupted in any way.
If you are going to use headphones, they cannot be hands-free since the microphone is too far from the mouth and when the person is in a relaxed state, he/she tends to speak at a very low volume. It is necessary to have hearing aids that have the microphone integrated in the cable.
Do I need to prepare in any way for this session?
No, you will only need to complete a questionnaire so that I can learn more about you, as well as be clear about the objective you want to address. Consider that in one session only one objective can be treated, if you want to treat several things, you would have to schedule different sessions.
What happens after a Present Life or Past Life Regression?
After therapy you may be able to give a different meaning to the conflict you worked on. When it comes to Present Life, you can heal from the origin of that situation, which allows you to re-signify it in the present life and reduce or eliminate its impact in the present moment. You acquire resources that allow you to make different decisions and achieve better results in your life. When it comes to Past Life, you can understand the origin of the conflict and become aware that since it does not belong to your present life, but to a memory of the past, you can then make the decision to address it in a different way. Often the healing of the conflict occurs in the awareness of the situation. It is likely that during a Past Life session, a spiritual guide may appear to provide you with answers or valuable information regarding your mission in life or the path you should follow.
How many sessions should I take to resolve my conflict?
Usually one session is enough to deal with a conflict.
Will I have any physical reactions after the therapy?
At the end of the session you may feel physically and/or emotionally tired as we do deep work. This may last a couple of days and then everything will return to normal. The recommendation will always be to be calm after the session and allow your body to level out.